個人紀錄 Personal Data | |||
Maid number 傭工編號 | PH9311 | Type of maid 傭工類型 | Break contract |
Name 傭工姓名 | BARBER | Finish contract date 完約日期 |
Nationality 國籍 | Filipino | Education 教育程度 | Senior High School 高中 |
Date of Birth 出生日期 | 1977 / 蛇 / 魔羯座 | Religion 宗教 | Catholic 天主教 |
Age 年齡 | 46 | Weight 體重 | 50 kg |
Marital Status 婚姻狀況 | Married 已婚 | Height 高度 | 5 feet |
Family Background 家庭背景 | |||
Spouse's Name 配偶 | Sibling 兄弟姐妹數目 | ||
Occupation 配偶職業 | Age of children 子女年齡 | 1, Age ( 20 ) 女兒Daughter ( 3 ), Age ( 23, 22, 18 ) |
Working Experience 工作經驗 | |||
沒有經驗 No experience |
有經驗 Experience |
Taking care of babies 照顧嬰兒 | |||
Taking care of children 照顧小童 | |||
Taking care of elderly 老人護理 | |||
Taking care of disable 照顧傷殘 | |||
Cooking 烹飪 | |||
House Work 家務 | |||
Pet Care 照顧寵物 | |||
Language Ability 語文能力 |
學習中 Learning |
中等 Average |
好 Good |
Remark 備註 (評語只供參考)
Cantonese 廣東話 | ||||
English 英語 | ||||
Mandarin 普通話 |
Domestic Helper Employment Record 工作記錄 | |||||
Country Experience 地區工作經驗 |
Hong Kong 香港 | 11 | Middle East 中東 | Other 其他 | |
Singapore 新加坡 | Saudi Arabia 沙特亞拉伯 | ||||
Taiwan 台灣 | Indonesia 印尼 | ||||
Malaysia 馬拉 | Philippines 菲律賓 |
Duties Priority 工作意向 | |||||
Taking care of babies 照顧嬰兒 | Taking care of elderly 老人護理 | Pet Care 照顧寵物 | |||
Taking care of children 照顧小童 | Taking care of disable 照顧傷殘 | Cooking 烹飪 |
Last Employer 上任僱主 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location 工作地點 | TSUEN WAN | Working period 工作日期 | 11/7/2023 - 2/12/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Size of house 單位面積 | 597 | No of person served 僱主家庭人數 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Holiday arrangement 放假安排 | SUNDAY | No. of Maid in the family 傭工數目 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last salary 工資 | 5000 | Reason of leaving 離職原因 | EMPLOYER NEEDS A CANTONESE SPEAKER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Previous Employer 前任僱主 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location 工作地點 | KWUN TONG | Working period 工作日期 | 2013 - 2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Size of house 單位面積 | 800 | No of person served 僱主家庭人數 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Holiday arrangement 放假安排 | SUNDAY | No. of Maid in the family 傭工數目 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last salary 工資 | 5500 | Reason of leaving 離職原因 | FINANCIAL PROBLEM | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Previous Employer 前任僱主 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location 工作地點 | Working period 工作日期 | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Size of house 單位面積 | No of person served 僱主家庭人數 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Holiday arrangement 放假安排 | No. of Maid in the family 傭工數目 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last salary 工資 | Reason of leaving 離職原因 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Previous Employer 前任僱主 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location 工作地點 | Working period 工作日期 | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Size of house 單位面積 | No of person served 僱主家庭人數 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Holiday arrangement 放假安排 | No. of Maid in the family 傭工數目 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last salary 工資 | Reason of leaving 離職原因 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
General Information 一般諮詢 | Yes 是 | No 否 | |
1. | Do you eat pork? 是否吃豬肉 ? |
2. | Can you handle pork? 你能否烹調豬肉? |
3. | Can you promise not to invite anyone go to the employer’s home without the permission of your employer? 你答應在沒有僱主同意下不可帶任何人到僱主家中? |
4. | Do you accept to work in the employer's house equipped with camera recording system (for security purpose)? 你接受在配備攝錄系統(為保安用途)的僱主家中工作嗎? |
5. | Do you plan to go back home country on coming year? 需要未來一年內返回原居地渡假嗎?: 何時 |
6. | Do you smoke? 你是否吸煙? |
7. | Do you drink alcohol? 你是否喝酒? |
8. | Can you drive? 你會否駕駛? |
9. | If your holiday not on Sunday do you agree? 若假期不在星期日,你是否願意? |
10. | Do you have an Infection skin disease? 你有沒有感染的皮膚病? |
11. | Do you have all complete and normal body? 你有完整和正常身體? |
12. | Would you agree to do extra work? 你會同意做額外的工作? |
13. | Are you willing to work for a family without your own room? 你是否願意沒有自己的獨立房間? |
14. | Are you willing to share jobs with the other maids? 你願意與其他工人分工嗎? |
15. | Do you accept the salary instead of the rest day? 你是否接受以工資代替休息日嗎? |
16. | Are you afraid of dogs? 你怕狗嗎? |
17. | Living with elderly person? 你願意與長者生活? |
18. | Are you willing to bathe or change the diaper of the elderly? 你願意為老人洗澡或換尿片? |
19. | Have you injection the Covid-19 vaccine? 是否已接種 Covid-19 疫苗? |
20. | Have Covid-19 before? 早前是否已感染Covid-19? |